This wasn't the scenario Babulfath expected. During normal time and then in golden score, the two judoka completely neutralised each other, each receiving two penalties. It was during a somewhat confusing situation, after a series of Babulfath's attacks, that Eva Perez Soler finally managed to score a waza-ari to win. Tara Babulfath then believed the waza-ari should be cancelled and it was, but only to be converted into an ippon; a victory for the Spaniard, along with a ticket to the final.
In this category, expectations were also high for Shirine Boukli (FRA), another world and Olympic medallist who was making her second appearance on the World Judo Tour following her final in Paris in February. Boukli qualified for the semi-finals where she faced Narantsetseg Ganbaatar (MGL). Better ranked than her opponent and with a much more impressive prize list, the French woman couldn't find the solution and was defeated surprisingly by Ganbaatar, who ran into the final.
In the final, Ganbaatar changed the direction while her opponent was attacking, scoring a first waza-ari with a counter-attack. She didn't let go and pinned Perez Soler with a kuzure-yoko-shiho-gatame for ippon. This was an opportune first victory in a grand slam for Narantsetseg Ganbaatar.
The first bronze medal contest saw Giulia Ghiglione (ITA) and Shirine Boukli (FRA) facing one another. It didn't take long for Boukli to score a first waza-ari, immediately followed on the floor for a conclusion with ude-garami for ippon. The French judoka didn't come for the bronze but this is still a good result. A medal is a medal and she knows what she has to work on from now on.
Laura Martinez Abelenda (ESP) had the opportunity to join her teammate on the podium, as she faced Tara Babulfath in the second bronze medal contest. Unfortunately for the Spaniard, she had one mission, that of avoiding the groundwork with Babulfath but she didn't. She was caught with a neat sankaku-jime for ippon. Tara Babulfath is another judoka who didn't come for bronze but she can enjoy another medal on the World Judo Tour and show an incredible consistency at that level.