Zhu, also among the top seeds, dispatched Van Krevel ahead of throwing Puljiz (CRO), a medallist in both Tiblisi and Antalya in recent weeks) twice having trailed by an early score.
Pimenta (BRA) also obeyed the seeding on her way to the semi-final and ended up in a shido-battle there against Leiva Sanchez (ESP), one that she won. The Spanish judoka was the only person to dislodge a member of the top four ahead of the semi-finals when she countered Iraoui (MAR) on the buzzer and held her immediately to drive the point home.
The first bronze medal contest was bound to be an all-action affair, between Ana Viktorija Puljiz and Ayumi Lieva Sanchez. It was! by the time the last half a minute loomed on the clock there was a waza-ari apiece and 3 penalties between them. The attack rate didn't slow for a single second and a new attack from the Croatian was meet with a beautifully timed counter by the Spanish judoka for ippon and the medal
The second bronze medal contest featured Siderot (POR) and Zhu (CHN). With just over a minute left, having been fairly equal throughout, the Chinese judoka applied a very tight attack and scored waza-ari with sumi-gaeshi. The medal went to Zhu and China.
Gefen and Pimenta faced off for the biggest prize of the day. There was very nearly a score from an uchi-mata by Pimenta at the halfway mark but a slight pause meant it was not counted. Eventually it was Primo who found the right moment to catch Pimenta's foot with an ashi-waza, continuing to the ground to ensure the full ippon victory. Primo takes gold for Israel while Pimenta settles for silver.
Final (-52 kg)
Bronze Medal Fights (-52 kg)