Ever wondered what an Olympic judo champion eats to prepare for competition or how he watches the calories to slim down? Or, maybe you just want to know what his favorite food is?
Well, IJF Media asked Japanese -73kg Olympic Champion ONO Shohei a couple of questions about his food habits. Check out his answers.
What do you eat when you are cutting weight?
OS: “I mainly have a diet composed of fruits and light snacks.”
What do you eat on the day of the competition?
OS: “Mostly, I snack on bananas and sweets. And also, ‘Castella’, which is a popular Japanese sponge cake, originally brought to Japan by Portuguese merchants in the 16th century, or Baumkuchen, a cake from Germany, very popular in Japan.”

The Champ indeed likes food. Proof are the postings on his Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/ono0203
What do you eat when you’re in training?
OS: “Then I eat a lot of noodles and rice.”
What is your favorite food?
OS: “I really like meat, steak in particular.”