
Judo is Back in China

The 14th National Games of China, commonly known as Shaanxi 2021, were just held from 15th-27th September. ...

Denis Weisser Is Optimistic About the Veterans World Championships

The Veterans World Judo Championships will take place in Lisbon from 21st to 24th of October.

Judo in Schools
Erasmus SchoolJudo.EU to Create a Better Society

Giving judo lessons in schools and passing your experiences to a future generation tells us that judo ...

WJD 2021
Happy World Solidarity Judo Day

The great annual educational gathering of the judo family, based on judo values, is now.

President Vizer Inaugurates National Training Centre in Kosovo

Kosovo now has its own judo training centre; a brand new centre inaugurated on Tuesday 28th September ...

Interview - Paula Pareto
Mental Judo

It is not a goodbye, rather a see you soon, because we do not usually lose contact with any judoka; it ...

Zagreb Grand Prix - Day 3
Thank You Zagreb

The first major event on the calendar after the success of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the Zagreb Grand ...

Zagreb Grand Prix: Day 3
Technical Analysis: the Ranking Speaks Volumes

Armen Bagdasarov, himself an Olympic medallist, knows all too well how important the World Judo Tour ...

Barbara Matic: A New Feeling

Throughout the weekend, a particular spectator walked the aisles of the Arena Zagreb.

World Judo Tour Judoka
Why Compete in Zagreb?

The dust has barely settled but Tokyo feels both far away and somehow still with us.

Zagreb Grand Prix - Day 2
Redemption Day in Zagreb

Four new categories were in action on the second day of the Zagreb Grand Prix in Croatia.

Zagreb Grand Prix: Day 2
Technical Analysis: Health, Fair Play and the Road to Paris

Dr Lisa Allan is the IJF Events Director and ultimately it is her responsibility to ensure all competitions ...