It was an evening to celebrate sport. It was an evening of awards.
The third event of the IJF 2020 calendar has just concluded.
Only one name was known so far (Sone Akira in +78kg) and one remains uncertain, in the men's -66kg weight ...
In September 2019, the Jordan Judo Federation embarked on the adventure of ‘Judo in Schools’, joining ...
You follow them each time they participate in a competition. You quake for them.
Daniel Lascau, IJF Sport Director and Acting Referee Director, offered his analysis of the third day ...
Hortence Mballa Atangana was born and brought up in Cameroon and became a judoka there.
Düsseldorf Grand Slam – DAY THREE
At 29 years old and with a full judo CV behind her, Laura Vargas Koch is ready for new challenges.
On day two of the Düsseldorf Grand Slam I spoke with IJF Commentator and Referee Supervisor Neil Adams. ...
Dozens of young children, judoka, waving German and Japanese flags, in front of a crowd clapping in rhythm ...
DÜSSELDORF, Germany — Latakia is Syria’s principal port, on the country’s western shoreline.