13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 SZEGEDI Daniel 1. place -73 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 SAFRANY Peter 1. place -90 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 GOMBAS Balint 5. place -66 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 TOTH Botond 5. place -81 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 VEG Zsombor 5. place -100 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 KOSZEGI Rebeka Rita 5. place -48 kg
13. Sep 2024 Zagreb Grand Prix 2024 GYERTYAS Roza 5. place -52 kg
05. Sep 2024 European Judo Championships Juniors Tallinn 2024 MAMIRA Luca 3. place -52 kg
28. Aug 2024 Lima World Championships Cadets Individuals 2024 GALO Bence 5. place -60 kg
28. Aug 2024 Lima World Championships Cadets Individuals 2024 JUTTNER Janka 5. place -52 kg
28. Aug 2024 Lima World Championships Cadets Individuals 2024 KUNYIK Botond 7. place -55 kg
28. Aug 2024 Lima World Championships Cadets Individuals 2024 SARKOZI Zsuzsa 7. place -70 kg
27. Jul 2024 Berlin Junior European Cup 2024 BOGNAR Inez 3. place -63 kg
27. Jul 2024 Olympic Games Paris 2024 PUPP Reka 5. place -52 kg
27. Jul 2024 Berlin Junior European Cup 2024 SZELECZKI Szabina 5. place -48 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 GABOR Aron 1. place -66 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 MAJOR Adam 3. place -66 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 LAKOS Mate 5. place -100 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 DOBOS Levente 5. place +100 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 HARSVOLGYI Tamara 5. place -48 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 MAMIRA Luca 5. place -52 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 KOLLAR Sebestyen 7. place -66 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 KISS Levente 7. place -90 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 VEG Luca 7. place -57 kg
13. Jul 2024 Paks Junior European Cup 2024 SAGI Nikolett 7. place -78 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 MAMIRA Luca 1. place -52 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 KISS Levente 3. place -90 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 KENDERESI Peter 3. place -100 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 HARSVOLGYI Tamara 3. place -48 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 VEG Luca 3. place -57 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 SZASZ Hanna 3. place -57 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 BOGNAR Inez 3. place -63 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 LAUTER Viktor 7. place -66 kg
29. Jun 2024 Slovenj Gradec Junior European Cup 2024 GABOR Aron 7. place -66 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals KUNYIK Botond 3. place -55 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals JUTTNER Janka 3. place -52 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals VAS Mira 5. place -52 kg
27. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Cadets Sofia 2024 Individuals KIS Levente 7. place -60 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 MAMIRA Luca 1. place -52 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 KOVACS Kitti 1. place -57 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 GOMBAS Balint 2. place -66 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 SAGI Nikolett 2. place -78 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 NAJI David 3. place -60 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 DEMETER Bendeguz 3. place -81 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 TOTH Botond 3. place -81 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 OHAT Zalan 3. place -100 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 KOSZEGI Rebeka Rita 3. place -48 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 KRIZA Anna 3. place -63 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 MATHE Bence 5. place -66 kg
15. Jun 2024 Podcetrtek Senior European Cup 2024 DEMETER Marcell 7. place -81 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 GONDOCS Attila 1. place -60 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 BUKI Peter 1. place -73 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 MAKHULT Mihaly 1. place -81 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 PETER Kamilla 1. place -70 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 CSETE Margit 1. place -78 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 DEAK Attila 1. place +100 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 CSILLAG Istvan 2. place -73 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 HORVATH Tamas 2. place -100 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 PADOS Mirtill 2. place +78 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 KISS Norbert 2. place -81 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 LIPTAI Edit 3. place -78 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 PENTEK Zoltan 3. place +100 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 MESTER Erszebet 3. place +78 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 SZOCS Laszlo 3. place +100 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 SINKA Szabolcs 5. place -66 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 NEMETH Zsolt 7. place +100 kg
06. Jun 2024 European Judo Championships Veterans 2024 FURLAN Fruzsina 7. place -78 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 MAMIRA Luca 2. place -52 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 SZELECZKI Szabina 3. place -48 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 SAGI Nikolett 5. place -78 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 KENDERESI Peter 7. place -100 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 LAKOS Mate 7. place -100 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 DOBOS Levente 7. place +100 kg
01. Jun 2024 Graz Junior European Cup 2024 HARSVOLGYI Tamara 7. place -48 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 KOVACS Kitti 1. place -57 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 KRIZA Anna 1. place -63 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 NAJI David 2. place -60 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 TOTH Benedek 2. place -81 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 FECZKO Csanad 3. place -60 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 SZEREDAS Botond 3. place -73 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 TOTH Botond 3. place -81 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 GOMBAS Balint 5. place -66 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 BOROS Bence 5. place -73 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 SZTANKO Daniel 5. place -90 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 KOSZEGI Rebeka Rita 5. place -48 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 KELLER Rebeka 5. place -52 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 SZASZ Hanna 5. place -57 kg
25. May 2024 East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024 PETER Fruzsina 7. place -57 kg
19. May 2024 Abu Dhabi World Championships Seniors 2024 Individuals PUPP Reka 5. place -52 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 VAS Mira 1. place -52 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 RADOVICS Mihaly 3. place -50 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 KISS Viktoria 3. place -48 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 FEDORA Ferenc 5. place -60 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 LENGYEL Csanad 5. place -66 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 JUTTNER Janka 5. place -52 kg
18. May 2024 Bielsko Biala Cadet European Cup 2024 GALO Bence 7. place -60 kg
10. May 2024 Qazaqstan Barysy Grand Slam 2024 UNGVARI Attila 5. place -81 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 MAMIRA Luca 3. place -52 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 VEG Luca 5. place -57 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 KELEMEN Adel 5. place -63 kg
04. May 2024 Rijeka Junior European Cup 2024 HARSVOLGYI Tamara 7. place -48 kg
03. May 2024 Dushanbe Grand Slam 2024 GERCSAK Szabina 3. place -70 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 TOTH Krisztian 2. place -90 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 PONGRACZ Bence 3. place -66 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 PUPP Reka 3. place -52 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 UNGVARI Attila 7. place -81 kg
25. Apr 2024 European Judo Championships Seniors Individuals 2024 VEG Zsombor 7. place -100 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 SZELECZKI Szabina 2. place -48 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 MAMIRA Luca 2. place -52 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 KOLLAR Sebestyen 3. place -66 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 VEG Luca 3. place -57 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 GABOR Aron 5. place -66 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 MIKLOSVOLGYI Daniel 5. place -90 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 KISS Levente 5. place -90 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 KENDERESI Peter 7. place -100 kg
20. Apr 2024 Lignano Junior European Cup 2024 DOBOS Levente 7. place +100 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 VAS Mira 1. place -52 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 KIS Levente 2. place -60 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 KISS Viktoria 2. place -48 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 JUTTNER Janka 3. place -52 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 RADOVICS Mihaly 5. place -50 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 KUNYIK Botond 5. place -55 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 FEDORA Ferenc 5. place -60 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 PAPAI Stella 5. place -44 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 SARKOZI Zsuzsa 5. place -70 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 GALO Bence 7. place -60 kg
06. Apr 2024 Teplice Cadet European Cup 2024 KISS Szabolcs 7. place -73 kg
29. Mar 2024 Antalya Grand Slam 2024 SAFRANY Peter 5. place -90 kg
23. Mar 2024 Samorin Cadet European Cup 2024 KUNYIK Botond 2. place -55 kg
23. Mar 2024 Samorin Cadet European Cup 2024 RADOVICS Mihaly 5. place -50 kg
23. Mar 2024 Samorin Cadet European Cup 2024 SZEKERES Abel 7. place +90 kg
23. Mar 2024 Samorin Cadet European Cup 2024 SARKOZI Zsuzsa 7. place -70 kg
22. Mar 2024 Tbilisi Grand Slam 2024 VEG Zsombor 3. place -100 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 GALO Bence 2. place -60 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 HORVATH Nandor 5. place -73 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 TAKACS Nora 5. place -40 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 JUTTNER Janka 5. place -52 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 KUNYIK Botond 7. place -55 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 SZABO Reka 7. place -52 kg
16. Mar 2024 Porec Cadet European Cup 2024 KRUPL Georgina 7. place -70 kg
09. Mar 2024 Podgorica Junior European Cup 2024 MAMIRA Luca 3. place -52 kg
08. Mar 2024 Grand Prix Upper Austria 2024 TOTH Krisztian 5. place -90 kg
01. Mar 2024 Tashkent Grand Slam 2024 SIPOCZ Richard 5. place +100 kg
01. Mar 2024 Tashkent Grand Slam 2024 GERCSAK Szabina 5. place -70 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 NERPEL Gergely 2. place -90 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 CZERLAU Jennifer 3. place -70 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 OHAT Zalan 5. place -100 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 KOSZEGI Rebeka Rita 5. place -48 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 FARKAS Szilvia 5. place -78 kg
24. Feb 2024 Warsaw European Open 2024 KELLER Rebeka 7. place -52 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 TOTH Krisztian 2. place -90 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 GYERTYAS Roza 3. place -52 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 OZBAS Szofi 3. place -63 kg
16. Feb 2024 Baku Grand Slam 2024 GERCSAK Szabina 3. place -70 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 NERPEL Gergely 2. place -90 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 KELLER Rebeka 2. place -52 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 PONGRACZ Bence 5. place -66 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 SZEGEDI Daniel 5. place -73 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 TOTH Benedek 7. place -81 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 MIKLOSVOLGYI Daniel 7. place -90 kg
10. Feb 2024 Gyor European Open 2024 KOSZEGI Rebeka Rita 7. place -48 kg
26. Jan 2024 Grand Prix Portugal 2024 PUPP Reka 2. place -52 kg
26. Jan 2024 Grand Prix Portugal 2024 OZBAS Szofi 3. place -63 kg
26. Jan 2024 Grand Prix Portugal 2024 TOTH Krisztian 7. place -90 kg
26. Jan 2024 Grand Prix Portugal 2024 GYERTYAS Roza 7. place -52 kg
Select year on top of the page.