In the final, Kisumi Omori and Kokoro Fujishiro couldn't find the slightest opportunity to score during normal time. In golden score, as the penalties were piling up, Kisumi Omori scored a waza-ari to take the gold medal.
Khorloodoi Bishrelt (UAE) found herself facing Rin Takeuchi (JPN) during the first contest for a bronze medal. Bishrelt scored a first waza-ari but Takeuchi came back with an equal score. Khorloodoi Bishrelt eventually launched a yoko-guruma that sent her opponent flat on her back for ippon and a bronze medal.
Sosorbaram Lkhagvasuren (MGL) and Nanako Tsubone (JPN) could still be in the ranking of the category by facing each other for a bronze medal. Golden score was needed to determine the winner. With two shido apiece, nothing seemed to offer an idea of who the winner would be, until Nanako Tsubone engaged with a low circling o-uchi-gari for waza-ari. The bronze medal for Nanako Tsubone.