On 26th June 2024, Peru was once again the hub of Panamerican judo with referees and coaches coming together for an important seminar organised by the International Judo Federation (IJF) in collaboration with the Panamerican Judo Confederation (PJC). Over 100 referees and coaches from 19 countries were present at the Videna Sports Complex.
Photo courtesy of the PJC.

Education seminars are aimed at enriching the theoretical, technical and tactical understanding of all participants, no matter their field of expertise or role within the judo community. IJF Head Referee Director and Kodokan Shidoin Florin Daniel Lascau, and IJF Referee Commission Secretary Tonino Chyurlia were key members of the delivery team in Lima, supported by PJC Referee Commission members Mr Edison Minakawa and Mr Donald Ferland. Mr Amadeu Dias de Moura, PJC Sport Director, also played a crucial role in the organisation of the event. Their commitment to the growth of judo in Panamerica is reflected in the quality and depth of the topics addressed during the event.

Photo courtesy of the PJC

This educational gathering will undoubtedly strengthen and elevate the level of Panamerican judo. The seminar not only promotes technical excellence but also fosters camaraderie and cultural exchange among participants, as positive preparation for all participants, enabling them to face future challenges with enhanced confidence and skills.

Photo courtesy of the PJC.
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