
IJF Academy Furthers its Development in Turkey

In December 2021 the IJF Academy selected Turkey as one of the regional centres.

IJF Academy
From the IJF Academy to Refereeing

During the last IJF congress, held in Budapest in June 2021, Florin Daniel Lascau moved to form part ...

‘The Arts and Sciences of Judo’ Second Edition

The International Judo Federation is pleased to release the new issue of ‘The Arts and Sciences of ...

The Biomechanical Science of Judo - An IJF Academy Publication

631 pages! This is a landmark work. Its author, Attilio Sacripanti, explains why such a book is crucial ...

The Pilot Countries, Part 1: Italy

The ripple effect is still being assessed and measured, even discovered, from the pandemic that continues ...

‘The Essence of Judo’ – From Inspiration to Art Piece

The IJF recently published the first edition of the Arts and Sciences of Judo journal and is now working ...

Project Launch
‘Hello’ From SchoolJudo.EU

The IJF has been involved in education for many years.

The First Edition of the Arts and Sciences of Judo Online Journal

The Arts and Sciences of Judo (ASJ) is a new international and interdisciplinary academic journal being ...

IJF Academy Featured in the Kodokan's JUDO Magazine

For the first time in its long, esteemed history, the Kodokan had published an article in English in ...

Interview: A Different Perspective
Our Musketeers

Roberta Chyurlia is an IJF ‘A’ referee. We see her at the world championships, at the Paris Grand ...

Undergraduate Certificate Judo Instructor (UCJI)

Despite the covid-19 crisis the IJF Academy is still at your service to propose the best solutions to ...

IJF and University of Budapest signed a Cooperation Agreement

The International Judo Federation and the IJF Academy signed today, November 20, 2019, a Memorandum of ...