Another objective was achieved at the educational seminar in Almaty, organised by the IJF in collaboration with the Judo Union of Asia (JUA).

Working together with the JUA, exams to obtain the continental and international licences were held. The occasion saw the impeccable commitment of the Kazakhstan Judo Federation.

The seminar involved over 70 participants from 18 countries, mostly from the JUA but also from several European and Pan-American countries.

From left to right: Tonino Chyurlia, Armen Bagdasarov and Ki-Young Jeon

The seminar was conducted by Head Referee Directors Armen Bagdasarov and Ki-Young Jeon with the collaboration of Tonino Chyurlia, IJF Referee Commission Secretary, Tina Trstenjak, IJF Supervisor, Osako Akinobu, JUA Head Refereeing Director and Askhat Zhitkeyev and Nabeel Abdrabalnabi, JUA Refereeing Directors.

The IJF Refereeing Commission said, “The objective of the seminar, as always, was to try to delve deeper into the technical motivations of the refereeing rules in order to standardise knowledge among all those who officiate at the World Judo Tour events as well as those of the continental championships, right through to the events of the individual federations.”

The new continental and international referees

Bagdasarov and Jeon gave their contributions to all this by commenting on the video clips of the 2024 IJF seminar in Gyor (HUN), enriched by the experience gained from the WJT events held to date.

Various interventions and requests from the participants were also clarified with a technical demonstration by Olympic champion Tina Trstenjak, present in her capacity as an expert of the IJF Academy.

Following the seminar, theoretical and practical exams were held for obtaining the continental and international licences with 15 and 13 passes respectively.

Continental examination: 15 candidates passed.

International examination: 13 candidtes were promoted.

See also