The cadet age category brings with it an additional layer of responsibility for everyone working with or around these athletes. At the World Championships Cadets this is clearly visible in the preparations being made in all sectors.
The referee meeting ahead of the Lima World Championships Cadets 2024.

At the pre-event referee meeting, conducted by Head Referee Director Florin Daniel Lascau, the subject of judo education was front and centre for everyone present. Mr Lascau explained, “These young judoka are likely to be competing at this level for the first time in their lives. For many coaches too, this may be their first time working at world level. We must give every shido as if it is the last shido. The rules we have are the rules we must apply, consistently."

IJF Head Referee Director Florin Daniel Lascau leads the discussion.

"Here we must watch both athletes from hajime to the end. We must check their respect for one another and for the rules and decisions. We must check their judogi and belts are worn correctly. All of this safeguards our sport and ensures these athletes grow up in the right environment and can access the senior level with the right attitude and understanding.

At the cadet level, no-one has money or fame on the line, it’s just our ethics that are being tested and balanced. The moral code is at stake here. According to the rules we have, it is our job to manage education and sport together. We work with courtesy and the athletes and coaches must also follow this path. Education and the ethical part of this world level event have high importance. How we encourage their behaviour when they win and when they lose gives the chance to have future big champions with the right ethical approach and respect for each other person involved in their careers."

"Some of the athletes here have more than a realistic chance to be present at the Olympic Games only 4 years from now, less than four years. It is our role to keep them safe physically and ethically and we are ready to do that.”

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