It was with a big smile that Barbara Matic arrived in the early hours of the Zagreb Grand Prix 2024, but this time as a simple spectator, even if when you are the new Olympic champion in the -70 kg category, you are no longer really a simple spectator. After several intense weeks since winning her title, she still has the energy to answer our questions and look back on that memorable day of 31st July.

"To be honest with you I feel really good and at the same time I am a bit tired as I feel that since the Olympic Games it has been non-stop. I have answered hundreds of interview requests, but it is important for me and for judo. The fact is that my life has changed because now everyone recognises me on the street. When walking, I can hear people saying ‘Hey, do you think it's Barbara Matic?’ or ‘Yes, it's her.’ It's kind of strange, but it's cute and nice. Today it's getting a little easier though.

I still don't realise what I achieved in Paris. Time flies and I didn't really have a moment to sit down for a few days to analyse. There was not a single day without an interview or an event I was invited to. In my home city, Split, I know that my name will be written on the promenade and maybe, only maybe, when I'll walk there I will understand.

I do remember everything from that day in Paris, 31st July. I felt really good and had no pressure at all on my shoulders. After the first fight, I knew that it could be my day. I was ready and I actually think that was the secret: all the work was done, I just had to apply what I knew and the result would follow. I know it can seem strange but the competition was not the hardest part. It was before, the training, the preparation, the qualification, but on 31st July. I was simply ready. I believe that this is the way. If you train hard, if you do everything before, then you just have to enjoy the competition.

For the moment I will take some time and rest but I want to keep competing. I don't know if I can go up to Los Angeles, but now I have two years to decide. I am not in a rush. I have no injury, I feel good, my body and my mind are in good shape. I just want to enjoy. Anyway, now that I have won everything I could, from the European title, to Olympic and world titles, I just want to enjoy. If I succeed that is great, if not, that is great as well. I want to have fun. I don't need anymore, it's not about 'I must,' it's about 'I want.’ I simply love judo.

With Neil Adams, live on JudoTv

I can feel that I am now a role model for many people and it's a good feeling that comes with obligations. I have succeeded at school, at university and in my sport. I want to pass on the message that everything is possible. It won't be easy of course, but the reward is at the end of the path.

For the time being I don't see too much further ahead. Coaching is interesting but not now and I am not sure I want to be a full time coach. It's too early to decide. Maybe I will want to follow some children later on in my life and accompany them through their careers as was done for me. I want also to share my experience, what I went through, what was challenging and difficult, so young athletes can benefit from my experience.

My role model in sport was Janica Kostelić, four times an Olympic gold medallist and five time world champion in skiing. She made skiing popular in Croatia. I want to do the same with judo. I can feel that it has started already. My mum was also a great inspiration; she is the one who told me that it was possible when I was still a cadet.

Today, I am a spectator here in Zagreb and really I think it is better that way (laugh). I am here to encourage my teammates and to watch the judo that I love so much.

My only message is that work pays off and that you have to believe in yourself."

When the message comes from the one who won everything not only because she had incredible capacities but because she worked hard and dedicated her life to her passion, it has an impact. That impact is what Barbara Matic has to offer and we value that very much.

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