“Dear Judo friends, I hope that you and your families are doing well and that the discomfort caused by restrictions associated with the pandemic is not affecting you too much.
As you probably noticed from the recent news and on social media, the IJF restarted the World Judo Tour and the Olympic qualification process will resume in January 2021.
The organisation of the Word Judo Tour has a new pattern, based on the IJF protocol for organising events. You can find the details under: https://78884ca60822a34fb0e6-082b8fd5551e97bc65e327988b444396.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/up/2020/12/IJF_Protocol_for_resuming_IJF_-1607326900.pdf
Together with the organisers from Poland and the IJF workforce, we are committed to finding the best concept for the 2021 World Veterans Judo Championships in Krakow, which is schedulled to be held together with the Kata World Championships. Knowing that applying a specific version of the protocol for the Veterans will be required, we are sending you this information now.
Based on your feedback, we could configure the outlines for the participants and, if the evolution of the pandemic allows, we will be able to publish such at the end of the first quarter of 2021.
The competition management team would like to collect general information about the interest of the judo veterans’ community, with a specific focus on taking part in September, in the afore-mentioned event.
The main question is, how many judoka will come in September, together with their friends and family, to Krakow? What is your position, knowing that some restrictions could occur? Are you seeking to participate? ‘Yes, no or not sure’ are the answers we are expecting.
To help us with this process and be a part of finding the best plan, please use this email address: [email protected]. There is no form to fill in or template to amend, just an open email to gauge your thoughts.
We are determined to give our best and must offer all participants the safest arrangements possible. We need a convenient way to keep the flame and passion for judo competition alive!
Please accept my best wishes to you all. Thank you very much in advance.”