Peter Safrany represents the new generation of Hungarian champions, at least judoka who want to reach the top. Junior world champion in 2021, he has now reached a new level by winning the gold medal in the -90kg category. Still out of breath from his very high-level final against Marcelo Fronckowiak (BRA), he analyses his performance in the heat of the moment.

"I am very happy and it is a great feeling having won the gold medal here in Zagreb. It was an unbelievable day for me. Winning my first grand prix gold medal is something very special. I want to thank everyone who has been supporting me so far and who helped me achieve this.

I am only 22 years old, the future is ahead of me, but today it's the present and it is a golden present.

Last night I slept very well. I was not stressed and this morning after breakfast I was feeling really fit. My four matches went well. It was tough but every time I could find a solution.

Tomorrow I'll go home and the day after I'll be back on the tatami to train; no rest for the moment. If I want to perform in four years from now, I have to train hard.

But before that there are the world championships in Budapest next year and I want to perform and win the title in front of my public. I know they will give me energy and a lot of power."

We were already following Peter Safrany and from today onwards we know for sure that we will have to keep an eye on him.

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